Page 33 - PD06207_升科大四技英文大考題卜書(Tips) 下
P. 33

26 sloppy [ˋslɑpɪ]     邋遢的;泥濘的;馬虎的                                              U21-1-26
                       He is very sloppy at his work, so he sometimes makes mistakes.

                    27 witch [wɪtʃ]     女巫                                                          U21-1-27   Unit
                       說明   比較 wizard (n.)「巫師;男巫」
                       The witch turned the mouse into a horse.


                    28 switch [swɪtʃ]      開關;轉變   開;關;變更                                    U21-1-28      107

                       說明   比較 twist (v./n.)「扭轉;翻轉;旋轉」
                       He switched on the TV and lay down on the sofa.

                    29 blanket [ˋblæŋkɪt]      毯子                                          U21-1-29      98 / 97

                       說明   wet blanket「掃興的人」;比較 carpet (n.)「地毯」
                       The father covered his little baby with a woolen blanket at night.

                    30 glory [ˋɡlorɪ]    光榮;壯麗;燦爛   引以為榮                                     U21-1-30      107

                       說明   相似字  glory ≒ brilliance「宏偉;光輝」≒ sparkle
                                     「閃耀;火花」≒ magnificence「壯麗;輝煌」
                       The foreign visitors are amazed at the glory of the Yellow River in China.


                     單字練習題          (共 5 題)

                    1. ௰ڐ޼Ӻᜑͪ஝ܛٙ༶ਗᄣආাኳၾܠϽҦ̷f€෬̂                                          【104 非選改編】

                        Recent studies show that       exercise improves memory and thinking skills.

                    (    )  2.  The Taiwan Lantern Festival appealed to foreign tourists this year for its beautiful
                             lantern shows.€፯̈ၾྌֵᇞٙο௰޴ڐٙο                                        【108】

                             (A) advised        (B) attracted      (C) edited         (D) envied

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