Page 74 - PD06107_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 74

大 文 英 書 考 題 卜
                    30 pick [pɪk]     挑選;摘採;挖;剔                                        U5-1-30      108 / 105 / 103
                       說明   pickpocket (n.)「扒手」

                       Don’t pick your nose or teeth in public.

           tips        ◎ picky [ˋpɪkɪ]      挑剔的
                          Some children are very picky about food.

                     單字練習題          (共 5 題)

                    (     )  1.  May's mother made a quick ccc from her sickness after taking the medicine. 【102】

                             (A) recovery       (B) emotion        (C) religion       (D) energy

                    (   )  2.  The player’s outstanding performance won him a gold medal in the Olympic Games.
                             €፯̈ၾྌֵᇞٙο௰޴ڐٙο                                                       【97】

                             (A) excellentc     (B) properc        (C) accidental     (D) allergic

                    (   )  3.  Writing is a very useful ccc for students.  In the future, they can use it at different

                             (A) beliefc        (B) culturec       (C) skillc         (D) feature

                    (   )  4.  We all ccc that our teacher is kind and learned.

                             (A) gainc          (B) considerc      (C) actc           (D) matter

                    (   )  5.  The workers wanted to ask their boss to raise the ccc.

                             (A) salaryc        (B) semesterc      (C) noticec        (D) sample

                      02   片語

                    1  in fact 事實上(= as a matter of fact = in reality = in practice)
                                                                               U5-2-1      106 / 104 / 103 / 102 / 97 / 96

                       說明   相似字   in fact ≒ actually

                       Ms. Edwards looks rigid, but in fact, she is a kind-hearted woman.

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