Page 77 - PD06107_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 77

對話練習題          (共 2 題)

                    (    )  1.  Olivia: What’s the biggest source of pollution? The answer might surprise you. 【102】

                             Fenny: Plastic bags?

                             Olivia: No, throwaway diapers.

                             Fenny: But how come they became a source of pollution?

                             Olivia: ccccccc

                             (A) About fifty years ago.

                             (B) They don't break down easily.

                             (C) Cotton diapers are good for the environment.

                             (D) People are using fewer throwaway diapers.
                    (   )  2.  Terry: What kind of a seat do you request when you fly?            【100】        5

                             Susie: I prefer an aisle seat.

                             Terry: Why?c

                             Susie: cccccc

                             (A) So I can stretch my legs.

                             (B) Sitting in the back of the plane is exciting.

                             (C) It doesn’t usually take much time.

                             (D) I like to sleep, and I need something to lean against.

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