Page 84 - PD06107_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 84

大 文 英 書 考 題 卜
                    30 victory [ˋvɪktərɪ]    勝利                                                     U6-1-30
                       說明   victorious (adj.)「獲勝的」;Victorian (adj.)「維多利亞時代的」

                       Our favorite team won a victory over the opponents.

                     單字練習題          (共 5 題)

                    (   )  1.  Global warming makes it easier for diseases which are carried by insects to ccc to
                             new areas and infect more people.                                    【105】

                             (A) improve        (B) reduce         (C) point          (D) spread

                    (   )  2.  It doesn’t matter what methods you use; the most important thing is that you
                             complete the project before the ccc .                                【103】

                             (A) distance       (B) deadline       (C) depth          (D) density

                    (   ) 3.  The glass container has been tightly locked, so almost no air can get into it.€፯̈ɓ
                             ࡈၾ೥ֵᇞٙο൚จ່௰ટڐٙഈࣩ                                                    【103】

                             (A) firmly         (B) mildly         (C) hardly         (D) softly

                    (   )  4.  People all over the world show their basic emotions with similar facial expressions. €፯
                             ̈ɓࡈၾ೥ֵᇞٙο൚จ່௰ટڐٙഈࣩ                                                  【103】

                             (A) feelings       (B) positions      (C) movements      (D) abilities

                    (   )  5.  I usually check my e-mail first and write a few  ______ to family and friends.
                                                                                              【102 改編】
                             (A) messages       (B) massages       (C) merchants      (D) methods

                      02   片語

                    1  think of 想出;認為                                             U6-2-1      108 / 101 / 100 / 98 / 96
                       What do you think of Professor Thompson’s speech?


                    2  check in 登記入房                                                                 U6-2-2
                       Let’s check in first and put our luggage in the hotel.

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