Page 89 - PD06107_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 89

◎ unexpectedly [ˋʌnɪkˏspɛktɪdlɪ]         出乎意料地;意外地                               106
                          When someone scores unexpectedly high in the exam, we may call him or her
                          “a black horse” in Chinese.

                          當某人在考試時得到出乎意料地高分, 在中文我們會叫他或她「一匹黑馬」。

                    5  respect [rɪˋspɛkt]     尊重   尊重;問候;方面                     U7-1-5      109 / 106 / 100 / 99 / 98 / 96

                       說明   (用法)with respect to + Ving/n.「關於」;respective「各別的」【106】;
                             比較 aspect (n.)「方面;觀點」
                       We should respect others’ privacy.


                    6  accept [əkˋsɛpt]      接受                                          U7-1-6      107 / 99 / 96

                       說明   acceptable (adj.)「可接受的」; 相反詞   reject (v.)「拒絕;不同意;丟棄」
                       The man knelt down to his girlfriend and said, “Please accept my apology.”


                    7  inspect [ɪnˋspɛkt]     檢查             U7-1-7
                                                                                  Tips 易混淆
                       說明   inspection (n.)「檢查」;
                                                                                   2  concept   概念
                       相似字   investigation (n.)「調查;審查」
                                                                                   3  except   除了…之外
                       The guard inspected every place in the villa to make        4  expect   期望

                       sure it is safe for the rich man.                           5  respect     尊重          Unit
                       守衛檢查別墅的每個地方以確保那位富人的安全。                                      6  accept   接受              7
                                                                                   7  inspect   檢查
                                                                                   8  infect   感染
                    8  infect [ɪnˋfɛkt]    感染           U7-1-8             105 / 104  9  perfect   完美的
                       說明   infectious (adj.)「傳染性的」
                       Don’t get too close to me.  I don’t want to infect you with my cold.

                       ◎ infection [ɪnˋfɛkʃən]      感染                                                  109
                          We should use the serving chopsticks and spoons on public occasions in order
                          to prevent infection.


                    9  perfect [ˋpɝfɪkt]     完美的;完整的;完成式的                                      U7-1-9      105
                       說明   perfectly (adv.)「完美地」
                       This is a perfect party.  Everyone is happy and content.


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