Page 112 - PD06307_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 112

卜 書 文 英 大 題 考
                    17 margin [ˋmɑrdʒɪn]       邊緣;空白;剩餘                                       U9-1-17      100
                       It is a good study habit to write some notes on the margin of the pages.

                    18 lodge [lɑdʒ]      旅社;守衛室   供住宿;暫住;寄放                                         U9-1-18

                       Our employees are paid 50,000 per month, with free board and lodging.
                       我們的員工每個月被支付 5 萬元,還有免費膳宿。
                       ◎ board [bord]       木板;膳食;委員會   供膳宿;上(機、船、車)                                    97

                          說明   board and lodging ≒ accommodation「膳宿」【101】
                          All the passengers should board the ship at 7 am.

                    19 border [ˋbɔrdɚ]      國界;邊緣                                             U9-1-19      101
                       There are soldiers near the border to protect our nation.

                    20 abroad [əˋbrɔd]      國外                                         U9-1-20      108 / 107 / 100

                       說明   快速聯想 ab + road「ab + 道路」→去「國外」學 ABC → abroad
                       After she graduated from senior high school last year, she went abroad to study.
                       ◎ aboard [əˋbord]          在船上;在機上
                                                                              Tips 易混淆
                          說明   相似字  aboard ≒ on board                         19 border   國界;邊緣
                          People aboard the ship were all safe.               20 abroad   國外
                          船上所有人員都安全了。                                         21 aboard   在船上;在機上
                                                                               board   木板
                                                                               broad   廣泛的
                    21 broad [brɔd]      廣泛的;寬廣的   U9-1-21                    22 broadcast     廣播
                                                                              23 forecast     預報;預測
                       說明   比較 board (n.)「板;木板;董事會」
                       It is pleasing to drive on a broad highway.

                       ◎ broadband [ˋbrɔdˏbænd]          寬頻的                                            102
                          With a broadband Internet service, webpages load faster with a high-speed
                          connection, and I can upload and download files faster.


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