Page 115 - PD06307_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 115

2  break down 故障;搗毀                                                    U9-2-2      106 / 102

                       My car seriously broke down after being flooded.

                    3  break into 闖入;打斷                                                    U9-2-3      109 / 108

                       The police broke into the house and rescued the hostages successfully.

                    4  break out 爆發                                                                  U9-2-4

                       說明   比較 blow out「爆(胎);吹熄」

                       A fire broke out in the hospital last night and killed 24 people.
                       昨晚醫院爆發一場火災,造成 24 人喪命。

                    5  break through 突破;有重大發現                                                        U9-2-5
                       The rioters broke through the road blocks and had a severe conflict with the


                    6  pass out 昏倒;分發                                                                U9-2-6

                       說明   相似字   pass out ≒ faint「昏倒」;比較 pass away ≒ die「死」
                       She passed out after not eating for days.


                     片語練習題          (共 2 題)

                    (   )  1.  They killed many birds and chickens for fear that the bird flu might ccc.
                             (A) break into     (B) break up       (C) break down     (D) break out            9

                    (   )  2.  The robbers ccc a convenience store and took thousands of dollars away.

                             (A) broke into     (B) broke down     (C) broke out      (D) broke up

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