Page 192 - PD06307_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 192

Unit 17

            書 文 英 考 大 卜 題

           tips       01   單字

                    1  tension [ˋtɛnʃən]      拉緊;緊張                                            U17-1-1      96

                       說明   tense (adj./n.)「拉緊的;緊張的 / 時態」
                       Tension and anxiety at test time may cause students to forget what they have

                    2  attention [əˋtɛnʃən]      注意;立正                 U17-1-2      109 / 107 / 106 / 104 / 103 / 102 / 99 / 97
                       說明   pay attention to「專注於;注意」
                       The soldiers stood at attention when the senior officials came to visit.


                    3  attend [əˋtɛnd]     參加;上(學);照顧                            U17-1-3      109 / 106 / 104 / 100 / 99

                       說明   attendance (n.)「出席;護理」【106】
                       Children start to attend school at the age of eight.

                       ◎ attendant [əˋtɛndənt]        服務生;侍者;管理員   出席的;伴隨的                              98
                          My friend, Ray, is a building attendant.

                    4  tend [tɛnd]     傾向;易於;看管;照顧                                      U17-1-4      106 / 104 / 98
                       說明   tend to「易於」
                       Laziness and idleness tend to poverty and ignorance.
                                                                                  Tips 易混淆
                       懶惰和散漫容易變成貧窮和無知。                                             3  attend   參加;照顧
                       ◎ trend [trɛnd]      趨勢;時尚   趨向;傾向                          4  tend   傾向;易於
                                                                          106 / 104   5  intend   打算;意欲

                          說明   相似字  trend ≒ tendency (n.)「趨勢;傾向」
                          As E-commerce has become a global economic trend, people are buying more
                          products than ever before through the Internet.

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