Page 196 - PD06307_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 196

大 文 英 書 考 題 卜
                    20 assist [əˋsɪst]    協助                                              U17-1-20      107 / 106
                       The rich man assists that disadvantaged minority with a lot of money.
                       ◎ assistance [əˋsɪstəns]        協助;贊助                                     106 / 105 / 100

           tips           說明   相似字 assistance ≒ aid「協助」【105】
                          Divorced, Rowling lived on public assistance in a tiny flat with her infant daughter.
                       ◎ assistant [əˋsɪstənt]      助理;助教                                               108

                          Bonnie is an assistant professor in a medical college.

                    21 explode [ɪkˋsplod]      爆炸;爆發;激增                                             U17-1-21

                       說明   相似片語  explode ≒ blow up「爆炸」
                       The population of the whole world exploded in the twentieth century.

                       ◎ explosion [ɪkˋsploʒən]        爆炸;激增                                            108
                          說明   explosive (n./adj.)「炸藥 / 爆發性的」
                          A bomb explosion claimed several lives.


                    22 explore [ɪkˋsplor]     探索;搜尋                                      U17-1-22      109 /  101

                       說明   exploration (n.)「探索」;explorer (n.)「探險家」【104】
                       Zheng He, a navigator in the Ming dynasty, had explored the western ocean from
                       1405 to 1433.
                       鄭和,明朝的航海家,已經在 1405 年到 1433 年間探索過西方海洋。

                    23 humid [ˋhjumɪd]       潮溼的                                                    U17-1-23

                       說明   humidity (n.)「溼度;溼氣」; 相似字  humid ≒ moist ≒ wet (adj.)「潮溼的」
                       The weather in Taiwan is hot and humid in summer.

                       ◎ moisture [ˋmɔɪstʃɚ]        溼度;潮溼;水分
                          You should keep the medicine away from moisture.

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