Page 200 - PD06307_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 200

書 英 卜 大 文 題 考
                     片語練習題          (共 2 題)

                    1. ֱ၅ٙชᙂఱ݊ᜫӊࡈʃʃٙᗴૐϓॆf€෬̂                                                 【108 非選】

                        The feeling of being happy is about having each tiny wish come   .

                    (   )  2.  As soon as the sun rises, all the birds will start to ccc the south.
                             (A) leave for      (B) stand for      (C) care for       (D) look for

                      03   對話

                    主題 17 生病或不舒服的問答句  建議休息。
                    ◎ 關於健康的問句與答句

                                              Q:I’m not sure what’s wrong with me.            U17-3-1  【97】

                         Take a rest.             我不確定我到底怎麼了。
                          休息一下。               A:You should take a rest.

                                              Q: I have a fever and need to lie down for a while.
                        Need a rest.              我發燒了想躺下來一會兒。                                     U17-3-2
                     Take some water.         A: You do need a rest and drink more water.  You worked
                           喝些水。                   too hard.

                                              Q:I’ve got an awful headache.                         U17-3-3
                     Need a good rest.            我頭痛得很嚴重。
                        需要好好休息。               A:Seems to me you need a good rest.

                                              Q:I’m feeling a little under the weather.            U17-3-4
                      Have a day off.             我覺得有點身體微恙。

                          休假一天。               A:Then, you had better have a day off.

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