Page 203 - PD06307_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 203

Unit 18

                      01   單字

                    1  application [ˏæpləˋkeʃən]       申請;應用;敷用                        U18-1-1      102 / 101 / 100
                       說明   applicant (n.) 「申請者」【105 / 102】
                       Please fill out the application form first if you want to apply for a scholarship.

                       ◎ apply [əˋplaɪ]      應用;申請                                                  107 / 100
                          說明   household appliance (n.)「家電器具」

                          The formula can also be applied to other math questions.
                       ◎ appliance [əˋplaɪəns]        器具;裝置                                         107 / 102
                          The store sells a variety of household appliances, such as refrigerators, air
                          conditioners, telephones, etc.


                    2  reply [rɪˋplaɪ]    回答;回信   回信;答覆
                                                                  U18-1-2      107  Tips 易混淆
                                                                                  1  apply   應用;申請
                       She didn’t reply to the reporter’s inquiries.              2  reply     回答;回覆
                       她沒有回答記者的詢問。                                                3  rely   依賴;依靠
                    3  rely [rɪˋlaɪ]    依賴;依靠                                                 U18-1-3      102
                       說明   reliable (adj.)「可靠的」【105】
                       The teacher is the one you can rely on.

                    4  depend [dɪˋpɛnd]       依賴                                  U18-1-4      105 / 102 / 99 / 97 / 96
                       說明   相似片語   depend on ≒ rely on ≒ count on「依賴」;It depends.「看情形而定。
                       You should not always depend on your family.  You should learn to stand on your
                       own feet.

                       ◎ dependence [dɪˋpɛndəns]           依賴

                          說明   相反詞   independence (n.)「獨立」
                          Mary is the sole economic dependence in her family.
                          瑪麗是她家唯一的經濟依靠。                                                                       179
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