Page 210 - PD06307_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 210

卜 書 文 英 大 題 考
                       ◎ rely on 依賴;信賴                                                                  102
                          Whenever May has trouble, she will always rely on her sister.  She never
                          stands on her own feet.


                    3  refer to 指;參考                                       U18-2-3      109 / 105 / 102 / 101 / 98 / 97 / 96

                       說明   相似字   refer to ≒ indicate「指」
                       Self-knowledge refers to the ability to know what we know and what we do not

                    4  prefer to 偏好;較喜歡;寧願                                          U18-2-4      107 / 105 / 101 / 97
                       說明   (用法)prefer to + V.R.... rather than + V.R. ≒ would rather + V.R.... than + V.R
                             ≒  prefer + Ving... to + Ving「寧願…而不願…」

                       We prefer to stay home watching TV rather than go out to the movies.

                    5  would rather 寧願                                                        U18-2-5      107

                       They would rather choose to die with dignity than lie in bed for the rest of their

                    6  cross one’s fingers 祈禱;祈福                                                    U18-2-6

                       I will cross my fingers for you when you have an interview.

                     片語練習題          (共 2 題)

                    (   )  1.  Many villages in the Mount Kilimanjaro region  ccc  the snow and ice melt water.
                             (A) belong to      (B) depend on      (C) hear from      (D) figure out

                    (   ) 2.  ccc the weather forecast, there will be a typhoon on Tuesday.

                             (A) Even if        (B) Even though    (C) No matter      (D) According to

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