Page 214 - PD06307_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 214

Unit 19

            卜 書 文 英 大 題 考

           tips       01   單字

                    1  relax [rɪˋlæks]    放鬆;緩和;休息                                      U19-1-1      106 / 104 / 96

                       說明   relaxation (n.)「放鬆;娛樂;消遣」
                       Many students relax their efforts at schoolwork during summer vacations.

                    2  release [rɪˋlis]     發布;放鬆;發行;釋放                             U19-1-2      107 / 106 / 104 / 101

                       Acid rain is caused by chemicals that are released into the air and cause rain to
                       be more acidic than usual.
                       ◎ relief [rɪˋlif]    減輕;安心;救援                                                103 / 101

                          They made several relief programs to assist the poor.
                       ◎ relieve [rɪˋliv]     減輕;救援;使安心                                          107 / 105 / 101
                          It is said that drinking coffee can relieve your headache.


                    3  eager [ˋiɡɚ]      渴望的;熱心的                                        U19-1-3      109 / 107 / 98

                       說明   be eager to + V.R.「渴望;盼望」
                       People were found standing in long lines waiting to receive the vouchers, as they
                       were eager to do some shopping with the vouchers.

                       ◎ eagerly [ˋiɡɚlɪ]       渴望地;熱切地                                                 96
                          The students are talking about their graduation trip eagerly.

                    4  possibility [ˏpɑsəˋbɪlətɪ]    可能;可能性;潛力                             U19-1-4      106 / 96

                       說明   相反詞   impossibility (n.)「不可能」【96】
                       There is a possibility that the teacher will flunk him in English.

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