Page 251 - PD06307_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 251

28 budget [ˋbʌdʒɪt]      預算   編列預算                                    U22-1-28      108 / 101
                       The government made an additional budget for making up the farmers’ loss
                       caused by the violent typhoon.


                    29 drought [ˋdraut]      乾旱;旱災                                                  U22-1-29
                       Many animals and plants died during the serious drought.

                    30 cabinet [ˋkæbənɪt]      櫥櫃;內閣                                         U22-1-30      100
                       The cabinet will hold a meeting tomorrow.


                     單字練習題          (共 5 題)

                    (   )  1.  I have to ccc your idea of selling our products to Europe because shipping them
                             out there is too expensive.                                          【108】

                             (A) reject         (B) shine          (C) toast          (D) visit

                    (   )  2.  My school basketball team is going to play a friendly ccc against a school team
                             from another county.                                                 【105】

                             (A) conviction     (B) drought        (C) achievement    (D) match

                    (   )  3.  The discussions of the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement in the Legislative Yuan
                             provoked domestic objections, which started the Sunflower Movement.€፯኿ɓࡈၾ
                             ྌֵᇞٙο൚จ່௰ટڐٙഈࣩ                                                      【104】

                             (A) openings       (B) opportunities   (C) disagreements   (D) discoveries

                    (   )  4.  Because of his hard work, my cousin finally realized his goal and entered the
                             university he had dreamed of.€፯̈ɓࡈၾ೥ֵᇞٙο൚จ່௰ટڐٙഈࣩ  【103】

                             (A) achieved       (B) inspired       (C) encouraged     (D) organized

                    (   )  5.  Tom tried to persuade Annie to go on a date with him, but she wouldn’ t go.€፯̈ɓ
                             ࡈၾྌֵᇞٙοจ່௰ટڐٙഈࣩ                                                      【99】

                             (A) supply         (B) convince       (C) defeat         (D) expose

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