Page 252 - PD06307_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 252

書 文 英 考 大 卜 題
                      02   片語

                    1  in exchange for 做為交換;替代(= in place of = substitute for)
                                                                                              U22-2-1      97

           tips        President Bush said the United States would not reduce its support for Taiwan in
                       exchange for better relations with Mainland China.
                       ◎ in place of 取代

                          The president of the company is busy now so she asks her secretary to attend
                          the meeting in place of her.

                    2  without a doubt 無疑地                                                          U22-2-2

                       說明   相似字   without a doubt ≒ doubtless ≒ beyond doubt ≒ beyond question
                                     ≒ out of question「無疑地」

                       Angela is without a doubt the smartest girl in this class.

                    3  run out of 用完;跑出來                                                   U22-2-3      106 / 100
                       We are running out of gas, so let’s stop at the nearby gas station.


                    4  run over 輾過                                                                  U22-2-4

                       Some butterflies were run over by cars.  So there are fewer and fewer butterflies

                    5  at the expense of 以…為代價                                                      U22-2-5

                       說明   at the cost of「以…為代價;犧牲…」
                       The witch said to the little mermaid that she can turn her into a human being at

                       the expense of her beautiful voice.

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