Page 257 - PD06307_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 257

◎ aborigine [æbəˋrɪdʒəni]        原住民                                             97
                          說明   aboriginal (adj.)「土生的;原住民的」
                          When the first Han people came to Taiwan, some of them had quarrels over

                          the land with the aborigines.

                    4  consequence [ˋkɑnsəˏkwɛns]           結果;後果;推論                          U23-1-4      98

                       說明   相似字  consequence ≒ result ≒ outcome (n.)「結果;結局」
                       If someone is born without the teeth that are the farthest back in the mouth, he or
                       she does not suffer any ill consequence.                                               Unit

                       若一個人天生就沒有嘴巴中最後面的牙齒,他或她並不會遭受任何不良的後果。                                                    23

                    5  relate [rɪˋlet]    相關;敘述                                      U23-1-5      106 / 101 / 99 / 97
                       This case must be related to that of two years ago.

                       ◎ relation [rɪˋleʃən]     關係;關聯                                           109 / 107 / 100

                       說明   relationship (n.)「關係;關聯」【99】
                          Our company has a long financial relation with yours.
                       ◎ relative [ˋrɛlətɪv]     親戚   跟…有關;比較的                             109 / 107 / 102 / 99 / 98
                          Many people find jobs by networking – that is they let their friends and relatives

                          know that they are looking for a job.

                    6  circumstance [ˋsɝkəmˏstæns]          情境;情況                                   U23-1-6
                       Under these circumstances, I think we should ask for someone else’s help.

                    7  situation [ˏsɪtʃuˋeʃən]    情況;情形;局面                           U23-1-7      102 / 98 / 97 / 96

                       說明   situated (adj.)「位於;座落於」
                       The chairman tried to command the situation but failed.


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