Page 283 - PD06307_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 283

29 pour [por]      灌;倒;傾盆而下                                                     U25-1-29
                       說明   相似字   dump (v.)「傾倒;傾銷;倒垃圾」

                       It never rains but pours.

                    30 slogan [ˋsloɡən]      標語;口號                                                  U25-1-30

                       說明   相似字   proverb (n.)「諺語;格言」
                       “Just do it!” is a famous slogan of a brand of sneakers.

                       ◎ motto [ˋmɑto]       座右銘;格言;警語                                                  101
                          She wrote down her motto on a paper and pasted it on the wall.

                     單字練習題          (共 5 題)

                    (   )  1.  Emily enjoys trying different things and traveling to different places, for she believes   Unit
                             that ccc is the spice of life.                                       【108】
                             (A) quarrel        (B) variety        (C) wagon          (D) zipper

                    (   )  2.  The large number of students quitting schools reflects how serious the drop-out
                             problem has been.€፯̈ၾྌֵᇞٙο௰޴ڐٙο                                      【98】

                             (A) advertises     (B) shows          (C) encourages     (D) discusses

                    (   )  3.  The latest evidence shows that second-hand smoke can not only lower children’s IQ
                             but also cause lung cancer.€፯̈ၾྌֵᇞٙο௰޴ڐٙο

                             (A) factor         (B) health         (C) proof          (D) success

                    (   )  4. Her enthusiasm for tennis is the main reason for her to become a world champion.

                             (A) opinion        (B) action         (C) event          (D) interest

                    (   )  5.  The tropical weather in Taiwan makes it possible to grow various types of fruits such
                             as watermelons, bananas, and pineapples.€፯̈ၾྌֵᇞٙο௰޴ڐٙο 【97】

                             (A) different      (B) whole          (C) general        (D) special

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