Page 285 - PD06307_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 285

片語練習題          (共 2 題)

                    (   )  1.  Even though Nancy is busy at work, she still goes fishing from time to time on
                             weekends. €፯̈ၾྌֵᇞٙο௰޴ڐٙο                                            【108】

                             (A) always         (B) generally      (C) sometimes      (D) usually

                    (   )  2.  Teddy didn’t finish his homework again.  I don’t think he can ccc the punishment
                             this time.

                             (A) make up of     (B) set off for    (C) pay attention to  (D) get away from

                      03   對話

                    主題 25 尋求協助的問答句  尋求協助以及對方看情況或不答應的問答句。
                    ◎ 尋求協助的問句與答句
                                                   Q:May I ask you a favor?                         U25-3-1
                             (看情況)                     我可以請你幫個忙嗎?
                         That depends.
                            看情況而定。                 A:That depends.  What is it?
                                                   Q:Will you water the plants while I’m away on

                             (看情況)                     vacation?                                   U25-3-2
                       I promise I will if...          我去度假不在家時,你可不可以幫我替植物澆水?
                         若…,我答應我會。                 A:I promise I will if you buy me a souvenir.

                                                   Q:Will you do it for me?                  U25-3-3  【102】
                            (不願協助)                     你可以幫我嗎?
                        In your dreams!

                             少作夢了!                 A:In your dreams!

                                                   Q:I need a big favor from you.  Could I borrow a
                             No way.                   hundred dollars?                             U25-3-4
                              不可能。                     我需要你幫一個大忙。你可不可以借我 100 元?
                      Over my dead body.           A:No way!  I’m broke myself.
                         休想。 / 絕不可能。                   不可能!我自己也破產了。

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