Page 364 - PD06307_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 364

卜 書 文 英 大 題 考
                    14 crucial [ˋkruʃəl]    決定性的;極重要的                                               U33-1-14
                       說明   相似字  crucial ≒ vital ≒ essential「不可或缺的」
                                           ≒ fundamental「重要的;原始的」

                       The college entrance exam is crucial for many students in Taiwan.

           tips        大學入學考試對台灣很多學生而言極為重要。

                    15 vital [ˋvaɪtḷ]    生命的;致命的;不可或缺的;重要的                                          U33-1-15
                       Put on a helmet to protect your head from vital wounds.

                       ◎ vitality [vaɪˋtælətɪ]    生命;元氣
                          He is always full of vitality and is an energetic businessman.


                    16 fatal [ˋfetḷ]    致命的;命運的;命中注定的                                               U33-1-16

                       說明   fatality (n.)「(意外事故的)死者;死亡事故;致命;宿命」【103】
                       The virus is fatal.  It has been a great threat to human lives.

                    17 stretch [strɛtʃ]    拉直;伸展   伸展;伸懶腰;綿延的區域                              U33-1-17      100
                       說明   比較 sketch  (v./n.)「畫草圖;素描」
                       He stood up with a stretch and yawned.


                    18 scratch [skrætʃ]      抓;搔癢   抓傷;抓;刮物聲                                        U33-1-18

                       說明   from scratch「從頭做起」
                       The child scratched his itches and left some scratches on his leg.

                    19 scrape [skrep]       刮落;摩擦;擦傷   刮痕
                                                                    U33-1-19    Tips 易混淆
                                                                              17 stretch     伸展
                       說明   比較 scrap  (n.)「碎片;小塊;剩飯;剪報」                        sketch     畫草圖;素描
                       The kid scraped his leg because he fell in the race.   18 scratch     搔癢;抓傷
                       那個小孩因為在賽跑時跌倒而擦傷他的腳。                                    19 scrape     刮落;刮痕
                                                                               scrap   碎片;剩飯

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