Page 53 - PD06307_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 53

02   片語

                    1  watch out 小心;提防;向外看(= look out)                                               U3-2-1
                       Watch out for the coming cars.


                    2  be famous for 以…著名( = be known for 【107】= be noted for)
                                                                                            U3-2-2      107 / 96

                       The bike manufacturer is famous for its products of high quality.

                    3  be familiar with 熟悉                                                           U3-2-3

                       Ariel is familiar with the culture here because she has lived here for twenty years.
                       愛麗兒熟悉這裡的文化,因為她已經住在這裡 20 年了。

                    4  go on 繼續(= keep on = carry on 【100】)                                 U3-2-4      109 / 96

                       說明   (用法)go on = keep on = go on + Ving/n. = continue + to V/V-ing「繼續」;
                             go on vacation「度假」;go on a diet「節食」
                       After bandaging up his wounds, he went on working.


                    5  give a big hand 拍手;鼓掌                                                         U3-2-5

                       說明   相似字   give a big hand ≒ clap ≒ applaud「鼓掌」
                       All the audience stood up, giving a big hand to the actors and actresses.
                       ◎ give Sb. a hand 幫忙                                                             105

                          說明   相似片語   do Sb. a favor「幫(某人)忙」
                          Would you please give me a hand?  I don’t know how to operate this machine.

                    6  get up 起床;起身                                                                  U3-2-6
                       I hate getting up early.

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