Page 58 - PD06307_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 58

卜 書 文 英 大 題 考
                    5  harm [hɑrm]       危害   害處;損害                                           U4-1-5      107
                       說明   do harm to「對…造成損害」

                       The heavy rain did much harm to the crops.

           tips        ◎ harmful [ˋhɑrmfəl]        有害的                                        106 / 105 / 103 / 97
                          Research has shown that loneliness is harmful to health.

                    6  damage [ˋdæmɪdʒ]         破壞;損失;災害   破壞                        U4-1-6      108 / 107 / 105 / 99

                       說明   do damage to「對…造成損害」
                       The pollution of the land does great damage to the crops on it.

                    7  interview [ˋɪntɚˏvju]     面試;採訪;會談   面試;採訪
                                                                              U4-1-7      109 / 108 / 106 / 102 / 100 / 96

                       說明   interviewer (n.)「接見者;主考官」【105 / 101】; interviewee (n.)「受訪者;被接見者」
                       The famous filmmaker gave an interview to the newsmen.
                       ◎ view [vju]       景觀;視野;觀點   看;看待                                        106 / 103 / 102

                          說明   相似片語   with a view to + Ving ≒ in order to + V.R.「為了」;
                                          point of view = viewpoint「觀點」
                          In my point of view, she just flattered the boss and didn’t tell the truth.

                       ◎ review [rɪˋvju]      複習;回顧   複習;回顧;評論                             106 / 104 / 103 / 99 / 97
                          說明   相反詞   preview (v./n.)「預習」
                          We are having a review for our monthly exam.


                    8  boast [ˋbost]       自誇;誇耀;吹噓                                           U4-1-8      102
                       You do not have to boast about your accomplishments, but you can tell the

                       interviewers why you can help their company better than other applicants.

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