Page 7 - PD06307_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 7

◎今年整體而言:1. 文法題增多。2. 閱讀測驗提升問題解決能力與對當今時事的關注。

                 文法克漏字題卜書            大考題卜書         閱讀題卜書          非選題卜書        英文寫作題卜書          歷屆試題與模擬考

                     6.  Mozart ( 莫札特 ) was a great musician who started to      music when he was very

                       young.(命中! U24-9)
                       (A) compose           (B) lighten          (C) monitor           (D) reject
                           作曲                    照亮                   監視                    拒絕

                     7. A(n)      face is essential to dramatic acting because it is good at showing all kinds
                       of emotions.(命中! U10-1)
                       (A) expressive        (B) identical        (C) protective        (D) reasonable
                           富含表情的                 同樣的                  保護的                   合理的
                     8.  Henry has been very busy looking for a new job lately, so he hasn’t contacted his family
                       for almost two weeks.(命中! U16-15)
                       Henry 最近一直忙著找一份新工作,所以他幾近兩週都沒有跟他的家人聯絡。
                       (A) fairly            (B) nearly           (C) recently          (D) shortly
                           公平地                   幾乎                   最近                    短暫地
                     9.  Mary broke up with her boyfriend because she felt he had no regard for her feelings.

                       (命中! U3-11)
                       Mary 跟她的男朋友分手了,因為她覺得他沒有考慮到她的感受。
                       (A) concern           (B) fortune          (C) silence           (D) temper
                           關心                    幸運;財富                沈默                    脾氣

                   10.  A medical report indicates that there is an association between high levels of stress and
                       skin problems.(命中! U23-5)
                       (A) an exchange       (B) an obstacle      (C) a relationship    (D) a similarity
                           交換                    障礙                   關係                    相似

                   11.  The government declared that the new city hall would be open to the public this summer.
                       (命中! U24-16)
                       (A) announced          (B) discovered      (C) imagined          (D) predicted
                           宣布                    發現                   想像                    預測

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