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Unit19  形容詞的最高級          95

                        練  習      2 填充

                        1.  Sam is taller than any other student in the class. He is the               (tall).
                        2.  Taipei 101 is the                   (tall) building in Taiwan.(台北101是台灣最高樓。)

                        3.  Sophia is sixteen years old. Monica is seventeen. Karen is fifteen.
                            Monica is the                    of all. Karen is the                  .

                        4.  Helen is                    most beautiful girl in our school.
                        5.  Michael Jordan is the                    (good) basketball player in the NBA.

                        6.  Mr. Lin is                    (good) teacher in our school.
                        7.  This novel is the                   (interesting) one.(這本小說是最有趣的。)

                        8.  New York is                     (big) city in USA.
                        9.  This bike is the                   (expensive) of all.

                        10. You are                     girl in my heart.(你是我心中最美的女生。)


                          any [ `WnI ] (adj.) 任何的                     seventeen [ sWvEn`tin ] (adj./n.) 十七
                          other [ `V62 ] (adj.) 其他的                   Mr. Lin (n.) 林先生
                          building [ `bIldI9 ] (n.) 建築物               novel [ `navEl ] (n.) 小說
                          sixteen [ sIks`tin ] (adj./n.) 十六           New York (n.) 紐約


                  一  選 擇 題

                     (    )  1.  Monica is more beautiful than Karen. Karen is more beautiful than Lucy. Who is the
                              most beautiful girl?
                              (A) Monica           (B) Karen            (C) Lucy                 (D) Amy

                     (    )  2. This novel is     of all.
                              (A) the most interesting                  (B) the interestinger
                              (C) most interesting                      (D) interestinger

                     (    )  3. Michael Jordan is     basketball player in the world.
                              (A) the goodest                           (B) the most good

                              (C) gooder than                           (D) the best

                     (    )  4.  Leo is shorter than any other boy in our school. That is to say, Leo is the     boy in
                              our school.
                              (A) short                                 (B) shortest
                              (C) most short                            (D) most shorter
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