Page 106 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
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100     輕鬆學基礎英文法

                     (    ) 4.     do you like, black tea or coffee?

                              (A) Where            (B) How              (C) Who              (D) Which

                     (    )  5. A:     is your sister? B: In the kitchen.
                              (A) Where            (B) How              (C) What             (D) How many

                     (    )  6. A:     will you go to Taiwan? B: Next year.
                              (A) Where            (B) How              (C) When             (D) Which

                     (    )  7. A:     do you go to work? B: By bus.
                              (A) What             (B) How              (C) Where            (D) When

                     (    )  8. A:     have you lived in Taiwan? B: Six years.
                              (A) How many         (B) How long         (C) Where            (D) What

                     (    )  9. A:     books are these? B: Leo's.
                              (A) What             (B) Whose            (C) Where            (D) How

                     (    ) 10. A:     is Grace? B: She is nineteen years old.
                              (A) How              (B) What             (C) How old          (D) Where

                     (    ) 11. A:     is today? B: It is Sunday.

                              (A) What time        (B) What day         (C) Where            (D) Who

                     (    ) 12. A:     cars are there in your garage? B: There are 5 cars in my garage.
                              (A) How              (B) How many         (C) How much         (D) How long

                     (    ) 13.     do you like, a bike or a motorcycle?
                              (A) How              (B) Where            (C) Which            (D) When

                     (    ) 14. A:     is your name? B: My name is Andy.
                              (A) What             (B) Where            (C) How              (D) How long

                     (    ) 15. A:     didn't she come? B: She was sick.
                              (A) How              (B) Why              (C) Where            (D) How long

                     (    ) 16. A:     apples did you eat? B: I ate one apple.
                              (A) How much         (B) How              (C) How many         (D) Where

                     (    ) 17. A:     do you like her? B: Because she is cute.
                              (A) How              (B) What             (C) Why              (D) Where

                     (    ) 18. A:     is the weather? B: It is cool.
                              (A) What             (B) How              (C) Where            (D) When

                     (    ) 19. A:     does your brother go to school? B: By motorcycle.
                              (A) What             (B) How              (C) Where            (D) Who

                     (    ) 20. A:     is she? B: She is my girlfriend.
                              (A) What             (B) Who              (C) Where            (D) How many
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