Page 111 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
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Unit21  被動式      105


                  一  選 擇 題

                     (    )  1. The door is     by Monica.
                              (A) close            (B) closed           (C) closing          (D) closeed

                     (    )  2. Leo opens the box.   The box     by Leo.
                              (A) is open          (B) is opened        (C) opened           (D) was opened

                     (    )  3. English is     in England.
                              (A) speaked          (B) spoken           (C) speaking         (D) by spoken

                     (    )  4. We bought a car.   A car     by us.

                              (A) is bought        (B) was bought       (C) were buyed       (D) were buying

                     (    )  5. It is     by Kris.
                              (A) do               (B) doed             (C) done             (D) doing

                     (    )  6. This desk is made     Grace.
                              (A) on               (B) by               (C) in               (D) for

                     (    )  7. Mr. Levis invented the jeans.   The jeans     invented by Mr. Levis.
                              (A) is               (B) am               (C) are              (D) were

                     (    )  8. She is using a cell phone.   A cell phone is     by her.
                              (A) used             (B) being used       (C) using            (D) be used

                     (    )  9. This book     in 2008.
                              (A) wrote            (B) writing          (C) is written       (D) was written

                     (    ) 10. She wrote this story.   This story     by her.
                              (A) is written       (B) is writing       (C) was written      (D) wrote

                     (    ) 11. Mary turned on the radio.   The radio     by Mary.
                              (A) is turn on       (B) is turned        (C) was turned on    (D) is turning

                     (    ) 12. My bike     (steal) last week.
                              (A) stole            (B) is stole         (C) was stolen       (D) was stole

                     (    ) 13. My father catches a big fish.   A big fish     by my father.
                              (A) is catched       (B) is caught        (C) is catching      (D) catches

                     (    ) 14. She broke the vase.      The vase     by her.
                              (A) was broke        (B) was broken       (C) broken           (D) breaking
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