Page 192 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
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186     輕鬆學基礎英文法

                        練  習      3

                        1.  I am a good student. 動詞是
                        2.  He is a high school student. 主詞補語是

                        3.  Going to school late is not good. 主詞是

                        4.  Grace loves me very much. 動詞是

                        5.  She looks happy. 主詞補語是

                        6.  I give her one million dollars. 直接受詞是

                        7.  She gave me a kiss. 間接受詞是

                        8.  Mother felt cold. 主詞是
                        9.  She didn't wash her clothes. 動詞是

                        10. We found him alive. 受詞補語是

                        練  習      4 句型結構分析

                        1.          I              am      a super man.
                            (       )(         )(        )
                        2.        She will  come.

                            (       )(         )
                        3.          I    will   give           you        my life.
                            (       )(         )(        )(         )
                        4.  Talking in English      is          not hard.
                                  (     )     (      )(         )
                        5.          I            found     the house     empty.

                            (       )(         )(        )(         )
                        6.  To go to school      is             fun.
                                (      )  (       )(         )
                        7.  To study math   makes         me             cry.
                               (      )  (        )(        )(         )
                        8.  Eating too much will harm    your health.

                                (      )         (    )(         )
                        9.        We           like     to go to the movies.
                            (       )(         )     (      )
                        10. Will you         marry          me?

                              (      )(         )(        )
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