Page 194 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
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188     輕鬆學基礎英文法

                     (    ) 17. Do you     Japanese every day?

                              (A) studys           (B) study            (C) studying         (D) studied

                     (    ) 18. It     so hot yesterday.
                              (A) is               (B) was              (C) are              (D) were

                     (    ) 19. Yesterday     Saturday.
                              (A) is               (B) was              (C) are              (D) were

                     (    ) 20. I am     TV.
                              (A) watch            (B) watching         (C) watches          (D) watched

                     (    ) 21. Sam     playing the drum now.
                              (A) is               (B) am               (C) are              (D) were

                     (    ) 22. Father     my car last night.
                              (A) wash             (B) washed           (C) washing          (D) is

                     (    ) 23. I     a song yesterday.

                              (A) write            (B) is               (C) wrote            (D) writing
                     (    ) 24.     Monica walk home yesterday?

                              (A) Do               (B) Does             (C) Did              (D) Was

                     (    ) 25. Mother     me a new bike last week.
                              (A) buy              (B) buys             (C) bought           (D) buying

                     (    ) 26. My father     to Tainan last night.
                              (A) go               (B) went             (C) goes             (D) goed

                     (    ) 27. She will wash her car. = She     to wash her car.
                              (A) is going         (B) going            (C) went             (D) is go

                     (    ) 28. I     to Japan tomorrow.
                              (A) will go          (B) go               (C) went             (D) goiing

                     (    ) 29. This bird is not able to fly. = This bird     fly.
                              (A) is               (B) can't            (C) wasn't           (D) must

                     (    ) 30. A: What     is it? B: It is 8:00 in the morning.
                              (A) day              (B) days             (C) date             (D) time

                     (    ) 31. He can     Taiwanese.

                              (A) speaks           (B) speak            (C) speaking         (D) spoke

                     (    ) 32. A: What     is it? B: It is 2020.
                              (A) year             (B) time             (C) day              (D) month

                     (     ) 33. A: What day is it? B: It is    .
                              (A) 6:30             (B) Monday           (C) July             (D) spring
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