Page 36 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
P. 36

30    輕鬆學基礎英文法

                        8.  代名詞的複數:
                            例  • I      we    • you           you    • he           they    • she          they
                                • it      they    • this      these     • that       those

                        練  習      2 填入下列名詞之複數形

                        1.  bird                         8.  bus                          15. wife

                        2.  fox                          9.  sheep                        16. potato
                        3.  foot                         10. inch                         17. deer

                        4.  tooth                        11. woman                        18. mouse
                        5.  baby                         12. man                          19. wolf

                        6.  Chinese                      13. city                         20. father-in-law
                        7.  goose                        14. watch


                  一  將下列句子改為單數或複數句

                        例如:I am a student. 我是學生。                We are students. 我們是學生。
                        1.  He is a good baseball player.

                        2.  I am a good player.

                        3.  Those cars are very expensive.

                        4.  There is a girl in my family. (four)
                        5.  There are many big mice in this house.

                        6.  There is a sheep in front of the tree. (ten)

                        7.  This car is very cheap.

                        8.  We are from Taiwan.

                        9.  There is a tree in the garden. (a lot of)

                        10. There are five girls in Jerry's family. (only one)


                          player [ `ple2 ] (n.) 選手                    in front [ frVnt ] of (prep.) 在……之前
                          very [ `vWrI ] (adv.) 非常、很……                Taiwan (n.) 台灣

                                                                                           註:(prep.) 介係詞。
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