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Unit 5  How many & How much 問多少        27


                            convenience store [ kEn`vInIEnt ] [ stor ] (n.) 超商  farm [ farm ] (n.) 農場、田
                          egg [ Wg ] (n.) 蛋                                     the Jordan family (n.) 喬丹家
                          basket [ `bAskIt ] (n.) 籃子                            minute [ `mInIt ] (n.) 分鐘

                  三  翻 譯

                        1.  Is there juice in the refrigerator?

                        2.  Is there a school near your house?

                        3.  There are a lot of beautiful girls in our class.

                        4.  How much time do you have?

                        5.  How much water should a person drink per day?

                        6.  How much money does this car cost?
                        7.  How many dogs does she keep?

                        8.  How many people are there in the airplane?

                        9.  How much money is there in your wallet?

                        10. How many times have you been to Taiwan?

                        11. How much money does she charge?

                        12. How many people will vote for him?

                        13. 你家有幾個人?

                        14. 屋子裡有幾個人?

                        15. 我的包包裡有三支手機。
                        16. 你要多少錢?

                        17. 你們有幾個人?

                        18. 你有多少錢?

                        19. 車上有幾個人?

                        20. 你有多少時間?


                          per [ p2 ] (prep.) 每一個                      airplane [ `Wr,plen ] (n.) 飛機

                          cost [ kCst ] (v.) 值                        wallet [ `walIt] (n.) 錢包
                          keep [ kip ] (v.) 養…寵物                                           註:(prep.) 介係詞。
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