Page 28 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
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22    輕鬆學基礎英文法

                  二  翻 譯

                        1.  冰箱(refrigerator)裡有一些巧克力牛奶。

                        2.  我家有 5 個人。(people)※people 不加 s

                        3.  我班上有四十個學生。

                        4.  一星期有七天。

                        5.  花園裡有許多花。

                        6.  Is there any coffee in the cup?

                        7.  There is no juice in this bottle.(瓶子)

                        8.  There are four seasons(季節)in a year.

                        9.  There is a mouse in the cage.(籠子)

                        10. There is not a sofa in our living room.


                          chocolate [ `7akElIt ] (n.) 巧克力             bottle [ `batL ] (n.) 瓶子
                          refrigerator [ rI`frIGE,ret2 ] (n.) 電冰箱     season [ `sizN ] (n.) 季節
                          coffee [ `kCfI ] (n.) 咖啡                    cage [ keG ] (n.) 籠子
                          juice [ Gus ] (n.) 果汁                       sofa [ `sofE ] (n.) 沙發
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