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Unit 4  There is & There are(在……地方 有……東西)             19

                        6.              a cell phone in my bag.(我的袋子裡有一支手機。)

                        7.              a lot of water in the glass.(這個杯子裡有很多水。)

                        8.              54 chairs in the classroom.(教室裡有 54 張椅子。)

                        9.              four people in my family.(我家有 4 個人。)

                        10.             some tea in the icebox.(冰箱裡有一些茶。)


                          mouse [ m0s ] (n.) 老鼠                       cell phone [ `sWl,fon ] (n.) 手機
                          many [ `mWnI ] (adj./n.) 許多                 bag [ bAg ] (n.) 袋子
                          bird [ b3d ] (n.) 鳥                         glass [ glAs ] (n.) 玻璃杯
                          tree [ tri ] (n.) 樹                         family [ `fAmElI ] (n.) 家庭
                          in the tree (adv.) 在樹上                      tea [ ti ] (n.) 茶
                          floor [ flor ] (n.) 地板                      icebox [ `1s,baks ] (n.) 冰箱

                   二  否定句

                     句型  There is / are + not + 東西 + 地方

                       例  • There is not a book on the desk. 桌上沒有書。

                           • There is not money in the bag. 袋子裡沒有錢。

                     亦可 There is / are + no + 東西  + 地方(冠詞 a / an 要去掉)
                       例  • There is no water in the glass. 杯子裡沒有水。

                           • There is no pen in the box. 盒子裡沒有筆。
                           • There are no people in this house. 房子裡沒有人。

                        練  習      2 將下列句子改為否定句

                        1.  There is a pen on the desk.

                        2.  There are books in the bag.

                        3.  There are a lot of dogs in our school.

                        4.  There is a park near my house

                        5.  There is a table in our dining room.

                        6.  There is a supermarket on this street.

                        7.  There is a post office on that street.
                        8.  There are beautiful flowers in the garden.

                        9.  There is a tree in the park.

                        10. There is a picture on the wall.
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