Page 26 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
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20    輕鬆學基礎英文法


                          park [ park ] (n.) 公園                       street [ strit ] (n.) 街
                            near [ nIr ] (adj./adv.) 靠近,在……附近         post office [ post ] [ `CfIs ] (n.) 郵局
                          dining room [ `d1nI9 ] [ rum ] (n.) 飯廳      garden [ `gardEn ] (n.) 花園
                          supermarket [ `sup2,markIt ] (n.) 超市

                   三  疑問句

                     1   把「be 動詞」is / are 放到句首,後面加上問號「?」。

                         例   • There is a book on the desk. 桌上有一本書。
                                    Is there a book on the desk? 桌上有書嗎?

                     2   疑問句的回答:

                        1. Is there...?

                                      Yes, there is.(肯定)
                                      No, there isn't.(否定)

                        2. Are there...?

                                      Yes, there are.(肯定)
                                      No, there aren't.(否定)

                         例  • Is there a pencil box in your bookbag? 你的書包裡有鉛筆盒嗎?

                                          Yes, there is. 是的,有。(肯定)
                                          No, there isn't. 不,沒有。(否定)

                        練  習      3 翻譯填充,並簡答

                        1.              a book in the bookbag? 書包裡有書嗎? Yes,

                        2.              any water in the icebox? 冰箱有水嗎? No,

                        3.              water in the glass? 玻璃杯中有水嗎? No,

                        4.              many children in your family? 你家有很多小孩嗎? Yes,
                        5.              a lot of trees in the park? 公園裡有很多樹嗎? Yes,
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