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18    輕鬆學基礎英文法

                     Unit   4        There is & There are(在……地方 有……東西)

                                                                                           本單元練習題解答:P. 解3
                   一  表示:在……地方 有……東西

                     句型  There is + 單數名詞 或 不可數名詞 + 地方
                                 ↓       ↓

                             如: a book(一本書)              some water(一些水)
                                     a dog(一隻狗)          air(空氣)

                       例   • There is a book on the desk.


                     句型  There are + 複數名詞 + 地方

                             如: two books(二本書)
                                      two dogs(二隻狗)
                                      many people(很多人)

                       例  • There are many students in the classroom.


                           • There are seven letters in the box.



                          some [ sVm ] (adj.) 一些                      people [ `pipL ] (n.) 人
                          water [ `wat2 ] (n.)[U] 水                   letter [ `lWt2 ] (n.)[C] 信

                        練  習      1 填入 There is 或 There are

                        1.              a pen on the desk.(桌上有一枝筆。)

                        2.              30 students in the classroom.(教室裡有 30 個學生。)

                        3.              a big mouse in this room.(房間裡有一隻大老鼠。)

                        4.              many birds in this tree.(這棵樹上有很多小鳥。)

                        5.              some bags on the floor.(地板上有一些袋子。)
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