Page 30 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
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24    輕鬆學基礎英文法


                          only [ `onlI ] (adv./adj.) 只有               state [ stet ] (n.) 州
                          class [ klAs ] (n.) 班級                      United States = US (n.) 美國
                          wallet [ `walIt ] (n.) 皮夾                   have no idea (v.+adj.+n.) 不知道
                          page [ peG ] (n.) 頁

                        練  習      2 寫出問句

                        1.  A:

                            B: There are three books on the desk.(桌上有三本書。)

                        2.  A:

                            B: I have 200 dollars.(我有二百元。)
                        3.  A:

                            B: Yes, there is a book in the bag.(是的,袋子裡有一本書。)

                        4.  A:

                            B: There are four people in my family.(我家有四個人。)

                        5.  A:

                            B: There are two persons in our car.(我們車上有兩個人。)

                        6.  A:
                            B: There are three boys in my family.(我家有三個男生。)

                        7.  A:

                            B: No, I am not a doctor.(不,我不是醫生。)

                        8.  A:

                            B: No, it is not a dog. It's a pig.(不,牠不是狗。牠是一隻豬。)

                        9.  A:

                            B: You should pay 30 dollars.(你該付三十元。)
                        10. A:

                            B: No, his car is not black. It is blue.(不,他的車不是黑的。它是藍色的。)
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