Page 81 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
P. 81

Unit14  助動詞      75

                        67. The train                     leaving in a few minutes. 火車幾分鐘後就開了。

                        68. The doctor                      give you a shot. 醫生會幫你打針。

                        69. This medicine                      work. 這個藥真有效。
                        70. I                     be late. 我會遲到。

                        71. I                     be late. 我可能會遲到。
                        72. You                      be late. 你不應該遲到。

                        73. You                      be on time. 你一定要準時。
                        74. I                     lived here for a long time. 我在這裡已經住很久了。

                        75. How long                       you been married? 你結婚多久了?

                        76. Your credit card                     expired. 你的信用卡已經過期了。
                        77.                      you know who I am? 你知道我是誰嗎?

                        78. I                     know who you are. 我不知道你是誰。
                        79.                      I know who you are? 我應該知道你是誰嗎?

                        80.                      I have your name? 請問大名?
                        81.                      I borrow your pen for a minute? 可以跟你借一下筆嗎?

                        82.                      the mayor work every day? 市長有每天上班嗎?
                        83. How quickly                       you get here? 你多快可以到這裡?

                        84. I                     get there in 30 minutes. 我 30 分鐘後可以到那裡。
                        85. How often                       you go shopping? 你多久購物一次?

                        86. How often                       your son come home? 你兒子多久回家一次?

                        87. I                     like to open an account. 我想要開個帳戶。
                        88. I                     pay by credit card. 我可以用信用卡付錢。

                        89.                      I pay by cash? 我可以付現嗎?
                        90. You                      go and see it. 你應該去看看。

                        91. You                      always get more money, but you can't always get more time.

                        92.                      you take credit card? 你們收信用卡嗎?
                        93. How much                        you pay for the cell phone? 這支手機你付了多少錢?

                        94.                      I pay you? 我應該付你錢嗎?
                        95.                      you call me a taxi, please? 可以請你幫我叫計程車嗎?

                        96. How often                       I take the medicine? 這個藥應該多久吃一次?
                        97. You                      take the medicine twice a day. 這個藥你可以一天吃兩次。

                        98. They look almost the same. They                      be father and son.

                        99. I                     think so. 我不這麼認為。
                        100. I                      think so. 我真的是這樣認為的。
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