Page 92 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
P. 92

86    輕鬆學基礎英文法

                     (    ) 11. I have studied Japanese     15 years.

                              (A) in               (B) on               (C) for              (D) at

                     (     ) 12. We ate lunch     13:00 yesterday.
                              (A) in               (B) at               (C) on               (D) for

                     (    ) 13. The weather is so hot     summer.
                              (A) for              (B) in               (C) at               (D) on

                     (    ) 14. Grace was born     April 13th, 1990.
                              (A) in               (B) at               (C) on               (D) for

                     (    ) 15. It is five     eleven. (10:55).
                              (A) at               (B) to               (C) on               (D) in

                     (    ) 16.     he graduated from school, he worked in Kaohsiung.
                              (A) After            (B) in               (C) on               (D) at

                     (    ) 17.     Sunday morning, we always go on a picnic in the park.
                              (A) In               (B) On               (C) At               (D) For

                     (    ) 18. I will be in Africa     two days.(二天之後)

                              (A) on               (B) in               (C) when             (D) before

                     (    ) 19. It's     7:00 now.(大約)
                              (A) at               (B) about            (C) on               (D) in

                     (    ) 20. It is five     seven. (7:05)
                              (A) after            (B) before           (C) on               (D) at


                          earthquake [ `38,kwek ] (n.) 地震             lunch [ lVn7 ] (n.) 午餐
                          arrive [ E`r1v ] (vi.) 到達                   graduate [ `grAGU,et ] (vi./vt.) 畢業
                          six-thirty (n.)                             from [ `fram ] (prep.) 從

                                                                                           註:(prep.) 介係詞。

                  三  填 充

                        1.  She was born         July 4, 1990.

                        2.  The air is fresh       the morning.

                        3.  It rains a lot      summer.

                        4.  We always go on a picnic         Sundays.

                        5.  He wants to be a lawyer         graduation.(畢業之後)
                        6.  I wake up         five in the morning.
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