Page 93 - ePD01505_輕鬆學基礎英文法_課本PDF
P. 93

Unit17  和時間有關的介詞           87

                        7.  We will play baseball        school.(放學後)

                        8.  We ate dinner at 8:00        the evening.

                        9.  I was born         January 11, 2001.

                        10. Monica's birthday is        April 1st, 2002.


                          fresh [ frWS ] (n.) 新鮮                      lawyer [ `lCj2 ] (n.) 律師
                          picnic [ `pIknIk ] (n.) 野餐                  graduation [ ,grAGU`eSEn ] (n.) 畢業
                          go on a picnic (v.) 去野餐

                  四  翻 譯

                        1.  My birthday is on April 13th.

                        2.  She went home at 11:00 in the night.

                        3.  We didn't go to school in the morning.

                        4.  I like to take a walk in the evening.

                        5.  It's very cold in winter.

                        6.  You have to hand in the report within three days.

                        7.  Call me before you come.

                        8.  The train will leave in ten minutes.

                        9.  We will go on a picnic on Sunday morning。

                        10. Call me in five minutes.

                        11. Please come at seven o'clock.

                        12. 冬天很冷。

                        13. 你什麼時候來?

                        14. 你可以中午來嗎?
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