Page 41 - PD02507_英文模擬與歷屆試題題卜書_課本PDF
P. 41

                                                                                                      第 4 回| Book I ~
                                                                                                               Book V

                          29. (A) catches up with                    (B) gets rid of
                             (C) results in                          (D) deprives of

                          30. (A) medal         (B) mental           (C) metal              (D) reckless

                          31. (A) commit        (B) deal             (C) hire               (D) repair

                     IV.  閱讀測驗:下面三篇短文,文後各附 3 或 4 個問題,為第 32 ~ 41 題,閱讀短文後,

                         I.    The Trojan War was a famous event and also a tragedy in Greek mythology. The war
                         could be traced back to a quarrel between three goddesses over a golden apple,on which

                         is carved the word “for the fairest.” Paris, a prince of Troy, was chosen to decide which of
                         the three goddesses should get it. One is Hera, the wife of the most powerful god, Zeus.
                         She offered Paris political power to be the king of all people. Another goddess is Athena.

                         She gave Paris wisdom and the abilities of the greatest warriors. The other is Aphrodite,
                         otherwise known as Venus, who offered Paris the love of the most beautiful woman in the

                         world, Helen.

                               At last, Paris awarded the golden apple to Aphrodite. However, Helen is the wife of

                         Menelaus, the king of Sparta. She was shot with an arrow from Cupid and fell in love with
                         Paris, just as what Aphrodite has promised. The war soon broke out after Paris took Helen
                         away. The city, Troy, was surrounded and attacked by the Achaeans, later called Greeks, for

                         ten years. However, Troy was not taken over by the enemy until the city fell to the trick of
                         the Trojan Horse. At last, Troy was destroyed and many warriors and residents were killed.

                          32. According to the passage, who is Helen?

                             (A) She was the wife of the Sparta’s king.    (B) She was also known as Venus.
                             (C) She was Aphrodite’s daughter.             (D) She was Cupid’s mother.

                          33. Based on this article, who promised to give the prince of Troy wisdom?
                             (A) Athena.        (B) Hera.            (C) Aphrodite.         (D) Zeus.

                          34. Which one of the following is true according to the passage?

                             (A) The city, Troy, was destroyed after three years of battles.
                             (B) The Trojan War broke out when Paris went back to Sparta.

                             (C) Aphrodite gave Helen a shot and made her fall in love with Paris.
                             (D)  It was Paris that had to decide which of the three goddesses can get the golden

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