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                      I.  字彙測驗:第 1 ~ 6 題,請選擇一個最適當的答案以完成該句。第 7 ~ 11 題,每題
                           1. Water, air and food are basic       of life. Humans can’t live without them.

                             (A) champions      (B) rumors           (C) retailers          (D) requirements

                           2. Since the waste chemicals and water from the factories is harmful to the environment,

                             the       of them has become an important matter.
                             (A) opportunity    (B) disposal         (C) substance          (D) laundry

                           3. The sign on the door says “No       !” Therefore, people under eighteen are not

                             allowed to enter this pub.
                             (A) minors         (B) criticisms       (C) equators           (D) decades

                           4. My sister got       to her boyfriend last month. They will soon get married.
                             (A) engaged        (B) occupied         (C) debated            (D) digested

                           5. After much persuasion, our geography teacher finally       our request to cancel

                             a quiz in class.
                             (A) analyze        (B) absorb           (C) granted            (D) sparkle

                           6. The       on TV has been forbidden because there are too many violent and
                             inappropriate hints.
                             (A) command        (B) commercial       (C) confidence         (D) irritation

                           7. The 50th anniversary sports meet in our school was delayed for one week because of
                             heavy rain.
                             (A) appeared       (B) designed         (C) postponed          (D) shrunk

                           8. The man stood there, watching the planes fly onto the sky and disappear into the clouds.
                             (A) vanish         (B) inspect          (C) strike             (D) advise

                           9. Many people nowadays still hold a very conventional view of division of labor. That is,
                             men work to support the family, while women stay home to raise children.
                             (A) tropical       (B) concrete         (C) qualified          (D) traditional

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