Page 97 - PD02507_英文模擬與歷屆試題題卜書_課本PDF
P. 97

107 年度歷屆試題

                         35. Which of the following has the closest meaning to the word “raising” in paragraph 3?
                             (A) collecting     (B) lifting          (C) moving             (D) promoting

                         36. Which of the following is NOT true when Chi was making Beyond Beauty: Taiwan from

                             (A) Chi refused to accept funds from others.   (B) Chi tried to borrow money from banks.

                             (C) Chi had a hard time finding enough money.  (D) Chi spent all his money producing the film.

                         37. What is this passage mainly about?
                             (A) Chi and his concern about the environment.
                             (B) The success of Chi’s documentary abroad.

                             (C) What Chi went through to save typhoon victims.
                             (D) The scenery recorded by Chi in his documentary.

                      ◎ 閱讀下文,回答第 38 ~ 41 題
                               In 2017, when she became a citizen, a robot named Sophia attracted worldwide attention

                         to her human-like look and manners. Sophia is one model of a new invention known as social
                         robots, a smart machine created to interact and work closely with people in different areas.

                               The service industry is among the first users of social robots. In 2020, friendly robots
                         will assist human volunteers in hotels and at tourist attractions during the Tokyo Olympic
                         Games. Social robots are also tested out in Japan to care for the elderly in nursing homes.

                         There, gentle robot caregivers help to serve food and entertain lonely residents. Still
                         another type of social robots does all the housework. As their prices fall, these hardworking
                         housekeepers may become a common home appliance. Researchers even tried out robot
                         teachers at elementary schools to engage students in learning, or to patiently help children

                         with communication difficulties learn social skills.
                               However, not everyone welcomes social robots with open arms. Some people are

                         afraid that human partners may be disappointed when robots do not behave exactly like
                         humans. Others are not sure if children learning from robots will be able to handle surprises
                         in real-world communication. These and many other questions are being asked, but

                         researchers will not stop efforts to develop effective social robots. ˉ
                         38. What is the best title for this passage?

                             (A) Humans Learning from Robots         (B) Giving Robots Rights of Citizens
                             (C) Making Robots at Low Costs          (D) Living Side by Side with Robots

                         39. What does the phrase “with open arms” in paragraph 3 mean?
                             (A) showing pleasure                    (B) having doubts

                             (C) showing disagreement                (D) having protection
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