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106 年度歷屆試題


                                                                                                          解 106-1

                     一、選擇題(第 1 至 41 題,每題 2 分,共 82 分)

                     I.  字彙題:第 1 至 6 題,每題均有一空格字詞,請選擇最適合的答案,以完成該英文
                         句子。第 7 至 11 題,每題均有一個劃底線的字詞,請在四個選項中,選擇一個與劃
                           1. Our summer camp is for       between the ages of 10 and 16.

                             (A) adults         (B) elders           (C) babies             (D) youngsters

                           2. Some people       online information about a product before making their

                             (A) last           (B) carry            (C) stand              (D) read

                           3. No matter how bad things look, I try to keep an       attitude. In other words, I

                             look on the bright side.
                             (A) occasional     (B) official         (C) optimistic         (D) original

                           4. Social media platforms allow us to       up with multiple circles of friends.

                             (A) link           (B) wipe             (C) raise              (D) look

                           5. Every nation in the world       in some way to global culture.

                             (A) displeases     (B) invades          (C) alternates         (D) contributes

                           6. Lately many people have been discussing how to ensure       water, food,
                             energy, and other natural resources for a large world population.

                             (A) extreme        (B) individual       (C) respective         (D) sufficient

                           7. Many foreign travelers like to try various kinds of snacks in Taiwan’s night market.

                             (A) tourists       (B) souvenirs        (C) competitions       (D) events

                           8. Email miscommunication most often occurs when the receiver misunderstands the
                             meaning of the sender’s message.

                             (A) misinterprets  (B) misadvises       (C) misbehaves         (D) mischarges

                           9. The police freed the man after they found out the truth about what had happened.

                             (A) punished       (B) released         (C) captured           (D) questioned

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