Page 269 - ePF824_PVQC汽車專業英文詞彙全收錄含自我診斷Demo版_課本PDF
P. 269

Part  6

                     1-0      Mingle:認識同學 Warm-up activity (暖身活動)學習單

                                      Find Someone Who...                                Names
                    Is never late for/to school(or for/to class)?
                    Is always on time for/to school(or for/to class)?
                    Is a work hard student?

                    Is a good student?
                    Is required to study overtime?
                    Is required to do job evaluation?
                    Is required to dress up(suit or dress)to work everyday?
                    Is happy with his or her classmate?
                    Is NOT happy with his or her classmate?
                    Is happy with his or her teacher?

                    Is NOT happy with his or her teacher?
                    Is happy with his or her neighborhood?
                    Is NOT happy with his or her neighborhood?

                     基本句型: Who is...?        (誰是…嗎?)   Who are...? (誰是…嗎?)

                                Are you...? (您是…嗎?)   Is she/he...? (她/他是…嗎?)

                     練習例題:Are you never late to class?(您上課從未遲到嗎?)

                                Is she/he happy with her/his classmate? (她/他與同學間快樂相處嗎?)

                     提  示:請寫出下面英文詞彙的中文意思,可用字典或網路查詢。

                                never late                            be required to
                                work hard                             be happy with

                                on time                               classmate
                                overtime                              neighborhood

                                job evaluation                        teacher
                                dress up                              study


                     心  得:

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