Page 183 - PD06207_升科大四技英文大考題卜書(Tips) 下
P. 183

4  give in 屈服;讓步;投降                                                             U35-2-4
                       說明   相似字   give in ≒ surrender「屈服;投降」;比較 give out「分發;用完」

                       She didn’t like math classes at all. But she gave in to her parents and went on
                       attending the cram school.

                    5  give off 釋放出;排出                                                              U35-2-5

                       Plants use sunlight and the carbon dioxide in air to make food and then give off

                    6  give up 放棄;戒                                                                 U35-2-6
                       說明   相似字   give up ≒ quit「放棄;戒」
                       Her husband decided to give up gambling and turned over a new leaf.

                       她的丈夫決定戒賭,並且改過自新。                                                                       Unit
                     片語練習題          (共 2 題)

                    (   ) 1.  ccc, we don’t need to go to school on weekends.

                             (A) At once                           (B) At least

                             (C) At last                           (D) Generally speaking

                    (   )  2.  The new student ccc catching up with other students.

                             (A) has difficulty in                 (B) runs out of

                             (C) happens to                        (D) reminds of

                      03   對話

                    主題 35 電話用語  打電話但對方不在。

                    ◎ 電話中問句與答句

                                                       Q:I’d like to speak to Mr. James, please?  【101】
                          Who is calling?                  請問詹姆士先生在嗎?                               U35-3-1
                         Who is speaking?
                              請問你哪位?                   A:Who’s calling, please?
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