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Unit 36

            大 文 英 書 考 題 卜

           tips       01   單字

                    1  devote [dɪˋvot]      奉獻;致力於                                                  U36-1-1
                       Jane Goodall devoted most of her life to the study of the chimpanzees in Tanzania
                       in Eastern Africa.

                    2  contribute [kənˋtrɪbjut]     貢獻;有助於;投稿
                                                                            U36-1-2      109 / 107 / 106 / 105 / 103 / 102

                       說明   contribute to + Ving/n.「促成;導致」【106】;contribution (n.)「貢獻;捐款;投稿
                             作品」;contributor (n.)「貢獻者」【99】
                       As a citizen in a global village, we should contribute what we can do to protect our


                    3  distribute [dɪˋstrɪbjut]    分送;分布                                    U36-1-3      99 / 98
                       說明   distribution (n.)「分配;分布狀態」【98】
                       The Republic of China Consumer Vouchers are distributed to every R.O.C. citizen
                       born before March 31 , 2009.
                       中華民國消費券是發送給在 2009 年 3 月 31 日以前出生的每一位中華民國公民。

                    4  dedicate [ˋdɛdəˏket]      奉獻;供奉;致力                                           U36-1-4

                       說明   dedication (n.)「奉獻;專心致力」【102】;
                             比較 delicate (adj.)「易碎的;微妙的;精巧的;棘手的」
                       The monument was dedicated to the memory of the founder.


                    5  function [ˋfʌŋkʃən]      功能;大型集會   起作用;運作
                                                                                     U36-1-5      105 / 103 / 98 / 96

                       The mayor abused his public function to favor one of the companies.

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