Page 184 - PD06207_升科大四技英文大考題卜書(Tips) 下
P. 184

卜 書 文 英 大 題 考
                                                       Q:Is Mr. Bush there?                   U35-3-2  【98】

                      May I take a message?                布希先生在嗎?
                         我可以幫你留訊息嗎?                    A:He is not in now.  May I take a message?

                                                       Q:This is Mary.  May I speak to Lucy?        U35-3-3
                           Do you want to                  我是瑪麗。我想找露西?
                        leave a message?               A:Sorry, but she is busy now.  Do you want to
                            你要留訊息嗎?                        leave a message?


                                                       Q:Can I speak to the manager?                U35-3-4
                      May I have your name?                我可以跟經理說話嗎?
                           請問你的名字是?                    A:May I have your name, please?

                     對話練習題          (共 2 題)
                    (   )  1.  Mary: Hello. Steve?                                                【100】

                             David: I’m sorry, but Steve is out right now. cccccc

                             Mary: Mary, his friend from work.

                             David: May I take a message?

                             (A) Who is calling?                   (B) Thanks for calling.

                             (C) Why don’t you call his office?    (D) He will be back in ten minutes.

                    (   )  2.  Secretary: Good morning, XYZ Company.  May I help you?              【98】

                             Mr. Clinton: Yes.  Is Mr. Bush there?

                             Secretary: cccccc

                             Mr. Clinton: Yes, please.  This is Bill Clinton.  Please tell Mr. Bush to call me back.

                                                    My phone number is 361-6599.

                             (A) Speaking.                    (B) He is not in now.  May I take your message?

                             (C) I am his secretary.  Please wait.  (D) Mr. Bush is on the phone.  Who is this?

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