Page 11 - PD06107_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 11

20.   Bill : Nina,
                          Bill : Nina,(D) 你有任何計畫嗎?
                         Nina :  Not really. I’d like to check out this city. But I need to learn how to take the
                                MRT first.
                        Nina : 沒有很確定。我想要搬出這個城市。但是我需要先學習如何搭乘捷運。
                        Bill : I’m going to the station. If you want, we can go together. You’ll find it easy.

                          Bill : 我正要去車站。假如你想,我們可以一起去。你會覺得很容易。
                         Nina : That would be great! Thanks.(主題 26. 主動幫忙的問答句)

                        Nina : 那太棒了!謝謝。
                       (A) where are you from?                    (B) do you have a check?
                           你來自哪裡?                                     你有支票嗎?
                       (C) how do you like this city?             (D) do you have any plans?
                           你覺得這個城市如何?                                 你有任何計畫嗎?
                   21.   Peter :  Did you hear that the band Mayday ( 五月天 ) is having two shows here this

                        Peter : 你有聽說五月天樂團今年夏天將有兩場表演嗎?
                        Leo :  Yes. And tickets are on sale this Friday. But fan club members like us can buy
                                tickets right now. Let’s see what we can get.
                          Leo :  有。而且這週五門票有特價。但像我們這些粉絲團成員可以現在就買。來看看我們可
                        Peter :  There are different kinds of seating in the stadium–floor, lower level, and upper

                        Peter : 體育館裡有不同類型的座位—一樓,二樓下層,和二樓上層。
                        Leo :         I want to sit near the stage.(主題 6.Why not 問句~表示邀請或
                          Leo : (C) 何不選一樓座位呢? 我想坐靠近舞台。
                       (A) Isn’t it far from the stadium?         (B) How much is the fan club fee?
                           那不是離體育館很遠?                                 粉絲團會費多少錢?
                       (C) Why don’t we go with floor seats?       (D) Can we sell tickets on the upper level?
                           何不選一樓座位呢?                                  我們可以賣出二樓上層的門票嗎?

               III.  綜合測驗:以下兩篇短文,共有 10 個空格,為第 22 至 31 題,每題有四個選項,請依各篇
                   短文文意,選出一個最適合該空格的答案。10 題裡面,1 片語,4 前後文理解的轉折語氣
                   用字,其他 5 題全是文法,題卜書系列,今年全數命中!掌握住 20 分!

                ▲下篇短文共有 5 個空格,為第 22 – 26 題,請依短文文意,選出一個最適合該空格的答案。
                         Rainforests are the Earth’s oldest living ecosystems. They  22  only a small part of
                   the Earth’s surface, about six percent, but they are very important to us. For example,

                   they provide us with  23  of the Earth’s oxygen and fresh water. A lot of medicines we use

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