Page 14 - PD06107_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 14

30.  (A) as usual         (B) for instance     (C) instead      (D) moreover
                   註解: 此題考轉折的語氣。前面提到哥倫布雖然沒有達成他原先想要找到亞洲寶藏的目標,「然而」
                         他卻開啟了一個廣大新世界。(A) 如常;(B) 舉例來說;(C) 然而;(D) 再者。因此,最符合題意的,
                         便是 (C)instead「然而」。
                   31. (A) drive             (B) drives           (C) have driven  (D) is driven
                   註解: 此題考「文法」,當主詞為 what 時,視為第三人稱單數,而且是主動語氣,故不可選 (D)「被
                         驅使」;而是選擇 (B) 驅使。

               IV.  閱讀測驗:以下有兩篇短文,共有 10 個題目,為第 32 至 41 題,請於閱讀短文後,選出最
                   過程與展』與『2019 年因應新冠病毒所實施的「保持社交距離」對於生活、學習與工作方
                   式的改變』,全是非常生活化,並且與日常生活和當今時事扣緊,符合接下來 108 課綱跨
                   領域提升素養的出題取向,預估 10 題掌握住 10 題,可以全部拿分!

                ▲ 閱讀下文,回答第 32 – 33 題
                         Kelly, Linda, Vivian, and Wendy are at a night market in Tainan. They are looking

                   at the menu and talking about what they would like to eat. Everyone will order only one
                   portion of any item she likes for herself.


                                            Item                   Price (for one portion)
                                       Oyster omelet                       NT$80
                                       Danzai noodles                      NT$70
                                     Taiwanese Meatball                    NT$50
                                        Milkfish soup                      NT$90
                                        Coffin bread                       NT$70

                                         Bubble tea                        NT$50

                         Kelly: I am hungry. I can eat a horse.
                         Linda: Me, too. Let’s get something good to eat. I’d like to have Danzai noodles first.

                         Wendy: I’ll get Oyster omelet. My cousin said that’s a must-try. And, I also want to
                   try Taiwanese meatball. I want to see how different it is from American meatballs.
                         Vivian: I’m hungry and thirsty. I’ll get bubble tea and coffin bread.

                         Kelly: The most famous dish in Tainan is milkfish; I must try it. Besides, eating fish
                   makes you smart!(摘要:四個女生在台南夜市點餐情形。)

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