Page 13 - PD06107_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 13

▲下篇短文共有 5 個空格,為第 27 – 31 題,請依短文文意,選出一個最適合該空格的答案。
                         In 1275, Marco Polo ( 馬可波羅 ) arrived in China. During this journey, he came close to

                   losing his life a few times,  27  he kept going and finally succeeded in reaching his goal.
                   At about the same time, Polynesians ( 玻里尼西亞人 ) were exploring the islands of the

                   South Pacific.  28  the great dangers of sailing long distance in open canoes, they managed
                   to explore and occupy all the major islands. About 200 years later, Christopher Columbus
                   ( 哥倫布 ) left Europe to find a new way to Asia.  29  the earth to be flat, many people

                   at that time were afraid that he would fall off the edge of the world. Columbus did not
                   reach his original goal to find treasures in Asia;  30  , he opened up a vast new world, the
                   Americas. Every explorer needs a vision. But what  31  explorers to leave the security of

                   the known world to face the dangers of the unknown? For many of them, it is simply the
                   love of adventure.(摘要:此篇文章討論過去探險家馬可波羅、玻里尼西亞人和哥倫布,


                     在西元 1275,馬可波羅抵達中國。在這趟旅程中,他好幾次差點喪命,27.(D) 然而他堅持下去
                   並且最後成功達成他的目標。大約在此同時,玻里尼西亞人正在探索南太平洋的島嶼。28.(B) 儘管在
                   開放性獨木舟做長距離航行非常危險,他們仍設法去探索並且佔據所有主要島嶼。大約 200 年後,哥
                   倫布離開歐洲去找一條新的道路到亞洲。在那時許多人 29.(D) 相信地球是平面的,他們很害怕哥倫
                   布從地球邊緣掉下去。哥倫布並沒有達成他原先想要找到亞洲寶藏的目標;30.(C) 反而慶他開啟了一
                   個廣大新世界,美洲。每一個探險家都需要有眼光。但是什麼 31.(B) 驅使探險家們離開他們所知世
                   27.  (A) for              (B) or               (C) so           (D) yet

                   註解: 此題考轉折的語氣。前面提到馬可波羅旅途好幾次差點喪命,而之後提到他仍繼續冒險最後達
                         成目標。(A) 為了;(B) 或者;(C) 所以;(D) 然而。因此,最符合題意的,便是 (D) yet「然而」。
                   28.  (A) Compared to      (B) Despite          (C) Rather than  (D) Unlike
                   註解: 此題考轉折的語氣。依據題意,「儘管」獨木舟航行的危險,玻里尼西亞人仍設法去冒險並佔
                         據島嶼。(A) 與…比較;(B) 儘管;(C) 而不是;(D) 不像。因此,最符合題意的便是 (B) Despite「儘

                   29.  (A) Been believed    (B) Being believing  (C) Believed     (D) Believing
                   註解: 此題考文法的「分詞構句」。原句是 Because many people at that time believed the Earth to be
                         flat, they were afraid that he would fall…。分詞構句的條件是附屬句與主要句的主詞一致,都是
                         “many people at that time"「那時候的許多人」,因此把附屬句的主詞省略,附屬句的動詞
                         改成現在分詞(表示主動)或過去分詞(表示被動)。因此,believed 指的是人們主動相信,
                         故選 (D)Believing。

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