Page 172 - PD06307_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 172

大 文 英 書 考 題 卜
                    3  amazing [əˋmezɪŋ]        令人驚奇的                                U15-1-3      106 / 105 / 98 / 96
                       說明   相似字  amazing ≒ surprising (adj.) ≒ marvelous「令人驚訝的」;
                                     amazed (adj.)「感到驚訝的」【106】

                       It is amazing that he can graduate from university within three years.

           tips        他能在三年內就從大學畢業真是令人驚訝。

                    4  amuse [əˋmjuz]        使快樂;逗樂                                                 U15-1-4

                       說明   amusement (n.)「樂趣;逗趣」;amusement park「遊樂園;兒童樂園」
                       We were all amused at Bob’s funny behavior.

                       ◎ amusing [əˋmjuzɪŋ]         令人快樂的;好笑的
                          Father told an amusing joke and made us burst out laughing.

                    5  entertainment [ˏɛntɚˋtenmənt]         娛樂;表演;款待                   U15-1-5      109 / 106 / 97
                       I enjoy playing Chinese chess with my son for entertainment.

                       ◎ entertain [ˏɛntɚˋten]       使歡樂;招待                                      107 / 106 / 96
                          The clown entertained the audience with his funny gesture.

                    6  recreation [ˏrɛkrɪˋeʃən]     消遣;娛樂                                           U15-1-6

                       George’s father likes to play cards for recreation.

                    7  deceive [dɪˋsiv]      欺騙                                                     U15-1-7
                       說明   相似字  deceive ≒ cheat「欺騙;作弊」≒ fool「愚弄;欺騙」≒ betray「背叛」
                                     deceiver (n.) 騙子;deceive Sb. into + Ving/n. 「欺騙(某人)去做(某事)
                       The dealer deceived the foreigner into buying his goods at a higher price.


                    8  receive [rɪˋsiv]     接受;收到                                     Tips 易混淆
                                         U15-1-8      109 / 107 / 106 / 105 / 104 / 103 / 100 / 99 / 98   7  deceive   欺騙

                       Emma received a bike as a gift from her brother.               8  receive   接受
                                                                                       receipt   收據
                                                                                      9  reception   接待

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