Page 176 - PD06307_升科大四技英文大考題卜書
P. 176

卜 書 文 英 大 題 考
                    25 fierce [fɪrs]    猛烈的;凶猛的                                                     U15-1-25
                       There is a fierce dog guarding in front of the factory.

                    26 seize [siz]     抓住;握住;把握;侵襲;沒收                                               U15-1-26

                       His mp4 was seized by his teacher because he listened to music in class.
                       他的 mp4 被老師沒收了,因為他在上課時聽音樂。

                    27 grab [ɡræb]      抓;抓住機會;快速地吃   抓取                                            U15-1-27
                       說明   動詞三態 grab - grabbed - grabbed;比較 crab (n.)「螃蟹」

                       The child grabbed his mother’s skirt when crossing the road.

                    28 limit [ˋlɪmɪt]    限制   限制;限度                                        U15-1-28      107 / 96
                       The speed limit on this highway is 100 kilometers per hour.

                       這條高速公路的速限是每小時 100 公里。
                       ◎ limitation [ˏlɪməˋteʃən]      限制;缺點                                         103 / 99
                          The country broke the limitation on developing nuclear weapons and might

                          launch a war.
                       ◎ limited [ˋlɪmɪtɪd]     有限的;貧困的                                              101 / 96

                          說明   相反詞   limitless (adj.)「無限的」≒ unlimited「無限的」【100】
                          With his limited property, Jack still managed to travel around the world.

                    29 manner [ˋmænɚ]         禮貌;方式;舉止                         U15-1-29      108 / 107 / 105 / 102 / 101

                       Mind your manner. You should have table manners and stop talking with your
                       mouth full.

                    30 career [kəˋrɪr]     事業;生涯                                          U15-1-30      109 / 101
                       Many women in modern times want to be career women instead of housewives.

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